Perumahan Panjibuwono AM 2 No. 5 Babelan, Bekasi Utara • Buka Setiap Hari 07.30 WIB

0813 1674 8847

Akustik Armstrong Jakarta

Penjualan dan Pemasangan Plafon Akustik Armstrong Jakarta dan Kota Besar Seluruh Indonesia


Plafon Akustik memberikan Anda atas kontrol suara dan gema, memberikan kesan anggun dan mewah, pemasangannya yang sangat mudah dan tahan lama. Kami fokus dibidang subkontraktor ceiling dan partisi yang melayani penjualan dan pemasangan plafon akustik Armstrong seperti: hotel, mall, apartemen, rumah sakit, kampus, sekolah, rumah makan, perkantoran dan gedung fasilitas umum atau komersial lainya.


Armstrong Classic Lite RH99

Key Selection Attributes

  • Nondirectional visual reduces installation time and scrap
  • Good blend of acoustical performance for a more comfortable space
  • Good light reflectable allow of more effective use of energy
  • HumiGuard Plus (RH99) ceilings offer 10-year limited warranty* on sag performance and 15-year with Armstrong PeakForm PRELUDE/ SUPRAFINE /SILHOUETTE suspension system
  • Ceilings qualify for lEED credits and certified with China Green Product Label and Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)
  • Non-asbestos
  • Note: Ceilings installed within temperatures of between 0°C to 49°C and relative humidity of up to 90%.

Typical Applications

  • Offices, Schools, Restaurant Dining Area, Retail stores, Factory


Armstrong Cortega RH99

Key Selection Attributes

  • Nondirectional visual reduces inslallation time and scrap
  • Economical with good acoustics
  • Reliable, proven performance
  • HumiGuard Plus (RH99) ceilings offer 10-year limited warranty* on sag performance and 15-year with Armstrong PeakForm PRELUDE/ SUPRAFINE /SILHOUEITE suspension system.
  • Ceilings qualify for LEED credits and certified with China Green Product Label and Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)
  • Non-asbestos
  • Note: Ceilings installed within temperatures of between 0°C to 49°C and relative humidity of up to 99%.


Typical Applications

  • Offices and conference rooms, Mass merchandising, Auditoriums/classrooms, Department stores, Restaurants, Patient and exam rooms, Schools


Armstrong Fine Fissured RH99

Key Selection Attributes

  • Excellent sound absorption on high NRC/CAC items
  • Nondirectional visual reduces installation time and scrap
  • HumiGuard Plus (RH99) ceilings offer 10-year limited warranty* on sag performance and 15-year with Armstrong PeakForm PRELUDE/ SUPRAFINE/ SILHOUETIE suspension system.
  • Ceilings Qualify for LEED aedits and certified with ChiKI Green Product Label and Good Environtment Choice Australia (GECA)
  • Non·asbestos
  • Note: Ceilings installed within temperatures between 0°C to 49°C and relative humidity of up to 99%.


Typical Applications

  • Frequently unoccupied tenant space, Schools closed in summer, Corridors. classrooms, utility areas, Offices and conference rooms, Lavatories/utility rooms


Armstrong ANF RH95

Key Selection Attributes

  • High light reflectance
  • Nondirectional visual reduces Installation time and scrap
  • Economical, easy to stall & maintenance.
  • HumiGuard Plus (RH95) ceilings offer 10year limited warranty on sag performance and 15-year with Armstrong PeakForm PRELUDE / SUPRAFINE / SILHOUETIE suspension system.
  • Ceilings qualify for LEED credits and certified with China Green Product Label and Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)
  • Non-asbestos
  • Note: Ceilings installed within temperatures of between 0°C to 49°C and relative humidity of up to 90%.


Typical Applications

  • Retail, Offices and conference rooms, Corridors, Healthcare, School

Akustik, Armstrong, Akustik Armstrong, Agen Plafon Akustik Surabaya, Harga Plafon Akustik Armstrong, Harga Plafon Akustik Semarang, Harga Plafon Akustik Surabaya, Harga Plafon Akustik Kalimantan, Harga Plafon Akustik Makassar, Harga Plafon Akustik Papua, Jual Plafon Akustik Surabaya, Plafon Akustik, Plafon Akustik Armstrong, Plafon Akustik Armstrong Jakarta, Plafon Akustik Armstrong Semarang, Plafon Akustik Armstrong Surabaya, Plafon Akustik Semarang, Plafon Akustik Surabaya, Plafon Akustik Kalimantan, Plafon Akustik Makassar, Plafon Akustik Papua, Rangka Plafon Akustik, Toko Plafon Akustik Armstrong Surabaya, Toko Plafon Akustik Jakarta